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"When we strive to pass wilderness legislation, what we are really engaged in is democracy at work."
- Bart Koehler

Read an important message about patriotism and the purpose of wilderness from our friends at the Wilderness Support Center in Colorado.

Perspectives on Wilderness : Brad Herbert

A tiny fly on the end of a tightly stretched line dropping lightly onto the mirror surface of a high mountain lake; a silver spinner dancing through the crystal water of a meandering river in a long lazy arc as it fights against a slow current.  This is where my mind goes when I think about my relationship with wilderness, whether it is vast wilderness with an administrative designation, or a place just a short hike from a trailhead parking lot.

My love of fishing certainly is a major part of the love I have been developing since childhood for the wilderness, but not the only part. The peace, the tranquility, the majesty, the feeling of being such a small part of something so grand and mighty — although cliché, have also shaped me in ways that life among the humans can never approach.  Throughout my lifetime so far, whether to conquer, to explore, to learn, or just to breathe, there has and always will be a part of me ready to run to that mountain, that forest or that lake.  And who knows, there may be some fish in there. 

Read more Perspectives on Wilderness.

-Arizona Wilderness Coalition mission statement