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"When we strive to pass wilderness legislation, what we are really engaged in is democracy at work."
- Bart Koehler

Read an important message about patriotism and the purpose of wilderness from our friends at the Wilderness Support Center in Colorado.

Perspectives on Wilderness : Tim Craig

Wilderness is ideal, unspoiled, untamed, unrestricted, free and beautiful!

I have spent lots of time in Wilderness Areas. I love them. When I step out of the truck onto the trail and pass the Wilderness boundary sign, my heart beats a little faster and my mind fills with joy as I journey into the unknown. I’ve had some of my best nights in Wilderness, with friends, alone, marveling at the solitude and expansiveness.

I have kids now. I don’t find myself in Wilderness Areas very often. I still love Wilderness. My son’s middle name is “Wilder” to honor it. To honor the gift that was created in ’64 to protect some piece of untrammeled land forever. I look forward to sharing that gift with my children soon. Until then, I’m content in knowing that every day the WILDNESS happens whether we are there to experience it or not.

Read more Perspectives on Wilderness.

-Arizona Wilderness Coalition mission statement