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"When we strive to pass wilderness legislation, what we are really engaged in is democracy at work."
- Bart Koehler

Read an important message about patriotism and the purpose of wilderness from our friends at the Wilderness Support Center in Colorado.

Perspectives on Wilderness : Violet Williams, age 7½

For me the wilderness calms me down. Once I was really mad and I took a walk in the woods and it helped me feel better. 

There are things you do not usually see in the city that are in the forest. It is beautiful: flowers and trees, grass, and it is quiet. 

You do not have to be a certain height or age to enjoy the wilderness. When I go camping I can be on a paddle board like all the adults.  At places that are made by people, some people can be left out. At a waterpark, I went up to the water slide. I am 47.5 inches and I can stretch to 48, but they didn't let me slide down. Even though I am not really 48" I knew I could do it because I can swim really well.   When you are small, you can fit into caves and do things that other people can't. That's why I think wilderness is better because you can swim and make mudslides which is okay for any age or size. 

And that is why we should protect our wilderness, so we can have more places that everyone can enjoy.

Violet Williams has been enjoying wilderness from up close for 7¼ years.  She is an avid rock climber and explorer.

Check out Violet's written letter here!

Read more Perspectives on Wilderness.

-Arizona Wilderness Coalition mission statement