AWC Board of Directors
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Photo, left to right: Kim Crumbo, Joel Barnes, Kelly Burke, Doug Hulmes, Don Hoffman, Mike Quinlan.
Officers and Directors
Board President
Mike Quinlan Tempe
Department of Physiology, Midwestern University |
Past President
Don Hoffman Alpine
Former wilderness program manager, Apache-Sitgreaves National Forest; Past Executive Director, Arizona Wilderness Coalition. |
Vice President
Doug Hulmes Prescott
Professor of Environmental Studies, Prescott College |
Nichole Trushell Prescott
Former Executive Director, Highlands Center for Natural History |
Brandon Arents Phoenix
Associate, Squire Patton Boggs, LLP |
Trica Oshant Hawkins Tucson
Executive Director, Environmental Education Exchange
Treasurer/Interim Staff Director
Kelly Burke Flagstaff
Executive Director, Grand Canyon Wildlands Council |
Kim Crumbo Ogden, UT
Western Conservation Director, Wildlands Network
Bart Koehler Juneau, AK
Independent campaign consultant; former Senior Wilderness Campaigns Director of the Wilderness Support Center, The Wilderness Society
Kate Mackay Phoenix
Director of Wildlands Communications, The Wilderness Society
Joe Trudeau Prescott
Southwest Advocate, Center for Biological Diversity