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Action Alert



Bedrock Environmental Laws Could be Gutted by House Bill H.R. 2578

Wilderness lands, clean air and water, and America's beloved free-flowing rivers fall on the chopping block as a massive anti-environmental law moves through Congress. Call your Representative today and ask that they VOTE NO on H.R. 2578!


As early as Tuesday, June 19th, the House of Representatives will be voting on bill that is a collection of extreme anti-conservation proposals that would undo decades of common sense environmental laws. H.R. 2578, and its component Title XIV, would reverse critical land protection measures, waive dozens of laws within 100 miles of our borders, give away old-growth forests to be clear-cut, and weaken the Wild and Scenic Rivers Act and other bedrock environmental laws:


  Fossil Creek Wild & Scenic River was designated in 2009 under the Omnibus Public Lands Management Act. Courtesy Nick Berezenko. The Arizona Desert Wilderness Act of 1990

  The Wilderness Act

  Clean Water Act

  Clean Air Act

  The National Environmental Policy Act

  The Endangered Species Act

  The National Historic Preservation Act

  The Antiquities Act

  The Wild and Scenic Rivers Act

  The Federal Land Policy and Management Act

  The National Wildlife Refuge System Administration Act

  The Fish and Wildlife Act

  The Fish and Wildlife Coordination Act

  The Administrative Procedures Act

  The National Park Service Organic Act

  The General Authorities Act of 1970

  Some sections of the National Parks and Recreation Act


Click here to see a map of all public lands affected around the United States by H.R. 2578.

PLEASE fax a letter or place a call against this bill today! You can find your legislator's contact information (some have email, others do not) to fax in a letter or place a call on AWC's website here: contact your member of Congress today and urge them to oppose H.R. 2578.


PLEASE TAKE ACTION NOW! H.R. 2578  represents one of the worst attacks on common sense environmental laws that safeguard our clean air and drinking water, quiet wildlife habitat, and free-flowing rivers. It must be stopped.


------SAMPLE LETTER--------


Dear [Member of Congress Name Here],


I urge you  oppose H.R. 2578. This bill that is a collection of  extreme anti-conservation proposals that would undo decades of land protection measures, waive dozens of laws within 100 miles of our borders, give away old-growth forests to be clear-cut, damage the Wild and Scenic Rivers Act, and undermine the National Environmental Policy Act.  One of the worst aspects of this legislation is Title XIV, which consists of Representative Bishop’s H.R. 1505, the National Security and Federal Lands Protection Act. This bill Grants U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) of the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) immediate and unlimited access to ALL lands managed by the Departments of Interior and Agriculture anywhere in the county to achieve “operational control” of U.S. borders. It also waives some 36 environmental and public health and safety laws (Wilderness Act, Clean Air Act, Clean Water Act, Safe Drinking Water Act, Endangered Species Act, etc.) on public lands within 100 miles of U.S. land borders with Canada and Mexico.


As an Arizona citizen, I resent this overstepping of agency authority that puts my special natural resources at risk and threatens the health of clean air and drinking water across the nation. When H.R. 2578 comes to the floor for a vote I urge you to vote against this bill, vote to strike Title XIV -Rep. Bishop’s border provision, and speak on the Floor in opposition to the bill.


Thank you for speaking up to protect our lands, rivers, and forests.


Thank you for your help.


-Arizona Wilderness Coalition mission statement