Take Action: Action Alerts
2014 Coconino National Forest Plan Revision
Coconino Forest Planning Underway! USFS officials are revising the management plan for the Coconino National Forest which could affect the forest for years to come. The agency is eager to hear from the public on:
“current and future needs of the forest, wildlife and plant species, as well as the needs of people who live near and enjoy the beauty of the Coconino National Forest.”
Everyone has an opportunity to weigh in, and we need your help in telling the Forest Supervisor that you want protections for parts of this forest.
Please attend a workshop and share your experiences and suggestions.
February 24th: Flagstaff
3:00 - 7:00pm
Flagstaff Aquaplex
Focus Topic/Comment Workshop
February 25th: Sedona
3:00 - 7:00pm
Sedona-Oak Creek Airport
Focus Topic/Comment Workshop
February 26th: Happy Jack
Mogollon Rim Ranger District
Open Office Hours/Walk Ins
Be sure to tell the agency that you support wilderness preservation for wild places and waters in the Coconino. Deadline for written comments is March 20, 2014.
Email: coconino_national_forest_plan_revision_team@fs.fed.us.
Mail your comments to:
Coconino National Forest Plan Revision Team
1824 S. Thompson Street
Flagstaff, AZ 86001
Fax number: (928) 527-3620
More on this planning effort.
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